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Dr.Selin Postalci

    Aytar Caddesi, Başa Sokak, Nükhet Apt. No:4 D:6 Etiler / İSTANBUL
 0212 976 66 00-0532 381 88 29

Dr.Selin Postalci

Pediatric Dentist Specialist Selin Postalcı completed his middle and high school education in İzmir Private Turkish College and his university education in Ege University Faculty of Dentistry. After that, he received his doctorate degree from Gazi University Dentistry Faculty Pedodontics Department between 2002-2007.

The positive effects of nutrition, swallowing, lip closure, tongue and uncontrolled saliva flow parameters on the development of the jaw and facial muscles of the disabled children who were used with the doctor's study of "the effect of the use of Castillo-Morales appliances on social competence in children with disabilities with orofacial muscle dysfunction" It has been identified. He worked as a pedodontist at Dentistanbul Dental Hospital between 2008-2015. Since 2015, it has been operating as a Pediatric Dentist and has been active in its own private child dental clinic in 2017.


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