![]() Full Hair Clinic |
0505 186 82 75 |
Full Hair Clinic
Established in the region of Esenler, our institution which has adopted the principle of "Quality in Health" principle. Full Hair Clinic, one of Esenler's most established establishments, aims to be a modern health facility with world standards that is renowned for its excellence, patient satisfaction, a good and accurate working team, and practices in all medical services. We are equipped with modern medical devices; 365 days a year, 24 hours service with expert staff. Our organization, Full Hair Clinic aims to reach its goals in accordance with its mission and vision with follow-up work which accepts employees as stakeholders. It respects and exercises the legal rights of all its employees. It offers a work environment that respects human dignity and is based on mutual respect and love. He is equally and fair to all his employees in the knowledge of his responsibilities.
To increase the quality of life of the society and to contribute to the development of medicine, protective and curative health services should be provided at the highest level of common and integrated structure reached by the medicine, in appropriate economic conditions, to support the development of new knowledge and practices in the field of health.
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